The Text
Start Here
Text File
Download this text file and style away! This is the starting point for both the print and web workshop exercises. Copy and paste.
Aim for This
PDF File
Use this pdf as your visual reference. For both print and the web, a helpful approach is to use stylesheets to match the typesetting found in this pdf file.
The Code
Zip File
Unzip these source file to see a coded version. Within it are three different type versions: Georgia, Helvetica, and MuseoSlab.
Links & Resources
Stuff from the Workshop
Print-related From Emily:
- References:
- Slides:
- Fonts to Choose From:
- Bembo
- Frutiger
- Memphis
Web-related From Chris:
- References:
- Typographic Scale Coding Tests:
- Blueberry Related Coding Tests:
- Other: