Motion Design Techniques

Tips, Tricks, & Lessons

There are many different ways to execute many different motion designs. Below are a few different techniques and resources that may be helpful.

Techniques in Motion

Different Techniques for Different Effects

by Chris Gargiulo

Knowing that there are multiple different ways to create and execute multiple different designs and effects, this page is designed to be a helpful resource for motion graphic design students and designers working on time-based projects. Time-based software packages, such as non-linear editors, compositing and animation programs, and audio editing applications, vary greatly when it comes to step-by-step techniques, each offering different ways to solve similar time-based design problems. Below are a few different techniques and resources, that despite being software-specific, include universal approaches to solving common motion graphic design problems.

For organizational purposes, I have grouped the techniques into three general categories: foundation (the basics), visual, and audio.


Below are links to the main categorical sections for the techniques:


The Basics

Before you can run, you need to learn how to walk. Below are a few resources for learning the basics of motion graphic design.

Testing 1-2-3

Before attempting to implement any desired effect, one important exercise is to create a series of quick "tests." Here are a few basic After Effects tests demonstrating core fundamental techniques in After Effects.

After Effects Tests:



Line Animation:

Text Animation:

Download Source Files


Various Effects

There are many fascinating visual effects with varying degrees of difficulty when it comes to execution. Below are a few common examples that may be helpful.

Motion Tracking

Attaching graphical elements to video pixels over time.

Motion Tracking Resources:

Attaching Text to a Runner:

Download Source Files
3D After Effects Resources:

3D Rotation (2):

3D Camera Fly Through:

Download Source Files


There are multiple ways to work in 3D in after effects, such as simple 3D rotation and moving a camera in 3D space.

Cut-Out Style Animation

Popularly seen in Monty Python movies, Cut-out style animation can be executed using simple layer parenting and rotation.

Cut-out Style Animation Resources:

Guiness Ad Video Lesson:

Download Source Files
After Effects Expressions Resources:


Download Source Files Watch Video Lesson


Expressions are a powerful feature in After Effects that enables you to write code to generate complex animations.


Sound Design

Good audio is hard to produce. With the right equipment and post-production tools, many imperefect audio files can be edited, repaired, and improved to sound good. Similar to editing imagery, it is an artform that requires attention to detail and potentially multiple different techniques to produce the desired effect.

Fixing Bad Audio

Often times we are stuck with imperfect audio. Luckily, there are great tools, such as Adobe Audition, and many great resources and techniques.

Audition Audio Reparing Resources:

Advanced Noise Reduction in Audition CS5.5:

Improving audio

Healing Audio:

Repairing Audio:

Reducing Background Noise:
