Motion Graphic Design

Motion Graphic Design introduces the basic principles of animation using the elements of graphic design. Geared mainly toward applications for the web, students in this course work on projects that combine elements of shape, image, typography, and sound in time-based media.

"Motion-graphics design is not a single discipline. It is a convergence of animation, illustration, graphic design, narrative filmmaking, sculpture, and architecture, to name only a few."

- Matt Woolman, Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Graphic Design Program at Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts
From the book Motion design: moving graphics for television, music video, cinema, and digital interfaces

"Today a seasoned broadcast designer is expected to command a baffling array of professional abilities that include, among others, the typographic chops of a print designer, the motion and timing smarts of an animator, the stylistic rendering talents of an illustrator, the narrative skills of a writer or editor, the music sensibilities of a composer and the cinematic and live-action directing abilities of a filmmaker."

- Dan Pappalardo, Troika Design Group
From the book Motion by Design.



Assignment: Week: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Due:
1. Bouncing Ball Week 2
2. Type in Motion Week 5
3. FINAL Motion Project Week 16



Click on the top bar for each week to expand or collapse the contents, or you can expand all weeks or collapse all weeks.

Week 1: Intro to the Course


  1. Introduction to the course
    • In this class we will learn the basics of animation by going through the full design process for motion graphics, specifically geared for the web.
  2. Introduction to the two major projects in this course:
    1. Typography in Motion (Kinetic Typography)
    2. FINAL Motion Graphic Design Project


Class Overview - Going Through The Full Design Process for Motion Graphic Design Design:

Class examples + related links:

Assignment: Due: Week2

  1. Set up your class web page.
  2. Animate your 10 Sec. Bouncing Ball Assigment.
Week 2: Animation Basics - Bouncing Ball Animation Due


  1. We will take a look at the bouncing ball animations and review tweening in Flash along with the basic animation principles of squash and stretch, timing, and slow-in and slow-out (easing).
  2. Intro to your next assignment: Kinetic Typography (Type in Motion)
  3. More Flash Tips & Techniques: Rotation, Adding Sound, Masking, & Motion Guides (time permitting)


Class examples + related links:

Assignment: Kinetic Typography - Type in MotionDue: Week5

  1. Choose a few sentences from anywhere you like (a line from a book, a quote from a speech, a line from a movie, a line from a song, etc.) or make up your own.
  2. Then bring the words to life by animating them in Flash.
  3. Suggestion: start with your audio. Convert your audio file(s) to mp3. Use your audio to set the pacing and timing of the animation.
Week 4: Typography in Motion


  1. Lessons: Shape hints, motion guides, and animating gradients.
  2. In-class work time to work on your kinetic type assignment.

Class examples + related links:

Assignment: Kinetic Typography - Type in MotionDue: Week5

  1. Finish your Kinetic Typography animation.
Week 5: Typography in Motion - Final Version Due


  1. In-class critique of the Typography in Motion projects.
  2. Lesson: the cinematic pre-production process.
    • What is a logline? synopsis? treatment? shot list? script? storyboard?
  3. Lesson: storyboarding.
  4. Intro the the final project.
  5. In-class work time to start thinking about your final project.

Class examples + related links:

Final Assignment: Motion Design Animation Project [FINAL]Due: Week 16

  1. Choose a format (title sequence, logo animation, experimental animation, flash intro, music video, short film, etc.).
  2. Start by doing lots of research. Figure out the target audience. What is the primary objective? What are some potential conceptual ideas?
  3. Start thinking about the audio as early as possible. Gather mp3 files.
  4. Write up a brief description and outline (consider writing a logline, synopsis, treatment, script, etc.) to help to develop a shot list that will enable you to begin storyboarding.
  5. Graded progress of the design process will be due weekly. Project ideas are due next week. Storyboards are due in two weeks, and a animated story reel/animatic will be due two weeks after that, so start storyboarding now if you know your idea.
Week 6: Motion Graphic Design Project - Ideas Due


  1. Brainstorm session on project ideas.
  2. Lesson: what is a story reel/animatic?
  3. In-class work time to storybaord.

Class examples + related links:

Final Assignment: Motion Design Animation Project [FINAL]Due: Week 16

  1. By now you should have a working script/outline/treatment/shot list/etc. - please post these in one document (pdf) on your class web site as a creative brief.
  2. Continue working on your storyboards.
  3. Storyboards are due next week.
Week 7: Motion Graphic Design Project - Creative Brief and Storyboards Due


  1. In-class wall critique of storyboards.
  2. Lesson: what is a story reel/animatic?
  3. In-class work time for story reel/animatic development.

Class examples + related links:

Final Assignment: Motion Design Animation Project [FINAL]Due: Week 16

  1. Use the elements from your storyboard to pre-visualize your final project set to time with audio by creating a story reel/animatic.
  2. Story reels are due next week (week 8).
Week 8: Motion Graphic Design Project - Story Reel Due


  1. Quick critique of the story reels/animatics
  2. Lesson: more on animated masks

Class examples + related links:

Final Assignment: Motion Design Animation Project [FINAL]Due: Week 16

  1. Continue working on your animation.
  2. By now you should have your primary audio track and you should be in the process of creating all graphical assets.
  3. You should be conducting as many preliminary animation tests as needed in order figure out how you will execute your motion graphics. Depending upon the results of these early tests, you should be making adjustments and refinements to your visual style.
  4. 1st round drafts are due in three weeks. Do not wait three weeks to get started!
Week 9: Motion Graphic Design Project


  2. Class is optional on Thursday. I will be in Kopiko 202 to help students out 1-1.

Final Assignment: Motion Design Animation Project [FINAL]Due: Week 16

  1. Continue working on your animation. Take advantage of the in-class work time to ask for help.
  2. By now you should have already conducted several animation tests and have figured out exactly what technology and techniques you will use to animate your project.
  3. You should be starting your first draft with final quality graphics and final audio.
  4. NOTE: 1st round drafts should be complete, with the beginning, middle, and end for the full time/duration of the piece. In other words, the first 5 seconds of a 15 second animation is not acceptable. All shots, scenes, graphics, and audio should be included in the 1st draft.
  5. For those who did not create a shot list, you may want to consider doing so to help in plannig and mapping out your time management. This may help to ensure that you will have a completed first draft in two weeks.
  6. 1st round drafts are due in two weeks!
Week 10: Motion Graphic Design Project


  1. Lesson: How to place Flash (.swf) into HTML using SWFObject
  2. In-class work time to continue coding. One-on-one support during class.

Class examples + related links:

Final Assignment: Motion Design Animation Project [FINAL]Due: Week 16

  1. Continue working on your animation. Take advantage of the in-class work time to ask for help.
  2. By now you should be making strong progress on your first draft with final quality graphics and final audio.
  3. 1st round drafts are due next week!
Week 11: Motion Graphic Design Project - 1st Drafts Due


  1. Critique of 1st round drafts
  2. In-class work time. One-on-one support during class.

Final Assignment: Motion Design Animation Project [FINAL]Due: Week 16

  1. Use the feedback from the critique to make the appropriate changes to your project.
  2. Continue working on your animation. Take advantage of the in-class work time to ask for help.
  3. By now you should have a complete draft with a beginning. middle, and end with final quality graphics and final audio.
  4. 2nd round drafts are due in two weeks.
Week 12: Motion Graphic Design Project


  1. Lesson: Nesting Movie Clips & Animating Complex Compositions
  2. In-class work time. One-on-one support during class.

Class examples + related links:

Final Assignment: Motion Design Animation Project [FINAL]Due: Week 16

  1. Continue working on your animation. Take advantage of the in-class work time to ask for help.
  2. By now you should be in the middle of production, completing all unfinished scenes and reworking sections/graphics that were not working before.
  3. 2nd round drafts are due next week.
Week 13: Motion Graphic Design Project - 2nd Drafts Due


  1. Finish the Nesting Movie Clips & Animating Complex Compositions Lesson
  2. In-class work time. One-on-one support during class.

Final Assignment: Motion Design Animation Project [FINAL]Due: Week 16

  1. Continue working on your animation. Take advantage of the in-class work time to ask for help.
  2. By now you should be have a mature, working draft that clearly demonstrates the visual style, timing, and overall narrative of the piece.
  3. 2nd round drafts are due this week.
Week 14: Motion Graphic Design Project


  1. Full work week. In-class work time to continue animating. One-on-one support during class.
  2. ----- [ no class on Thursday (Thanksgiving) ] -----

Final Assignment: Motion Design Animation Project [FINAL]Due: Week 16

  1. Continue working on your animation. Take advantage of the in-class work time to ask for help.
  2. By now you should be almost done with the bulk of the production for your final project. You should be focusing on post-production (editing, adding sound effects, refining/polishing scenes, etc.)
  3. 3rd round drafts are due next week.
Week 15: Motion Graphic Design Project - 3rd Drafts Due


  1. Informal 3rd round critique.
  2. Lessons: Simple Flash banner sd, replay button, review of exporting to video from Flash
  3. Full work week. In-class work time to continue animating. One-on-one support during class.

AS3 Coding: Replay Button



b_replayButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, replay);

function replay(event:MouseEvent):void {

Final Assignment: Motion Design Animation Project [FINAL]Due: Week 16

  1. Continue working on your animation. Take advantage of the in-class work time to ask for help.
  2. By now you should be 99% done, focusing on post-production tasks such as fine-tuning the editing (ie. pace), adding/re-recording sound effects, refining/polishing any underdeveloped scenes, etc.)
  3. Final versions are due next week.
Week 16: Motion Graphic Design Project - [FINAL]


  1. Final Critique

Final Assignment: Motion Design Animation Project [FINAL]Due: Week 16

  1. This is the last week of class; all projects are due at the beginning of the critique class meeting this week.

Find it fast.

Class info:

Motion Graphic Design
KCC | New Media Arts
Kopiko 202
T,TH :: 10:00 am - 1:15 pm
Instructor: Chris Gargiulo
Office: Olapa 225


Laulima is the online course management web site for the University of Hawai‘i. Login to visit this course's online resources such as the discussion board, chat room, and drop box.

Student sites:

Below is a list of student web pages for each student enrolled in this course.

Past Final Projects:

Below is a list of completed web sites created in past classes in Motion Graphic Design.

Helpful Links:

Below is a list of online resources related to this course.

Client assets:

Below are links to all digital documentation provided by the clients. This section will be updated as the clients send me content.

Flash Gallery Sites:

Below is a list of sites that showcase sites built using Flash.