Spring 2008 Kapi'olani Community College New Media Arts Group Usabilty Research Project

A student research project continuing the original study done by Heidi Adkisson

This site is an informative collection of data and results from a student research project comparing interface design elements found today with a study that was conducted in 2002 by Hedi Adkisson. Looking at the same 75 web sites that were initially studied in 2002, this project aims to continue the study and share all data that are collected to date via this web site.

This KCC New Media Arts project began in 2006 and continues on an annual basis. Both this study and Hedi Adkisson's look at specific interface elements such as style of global navigation, link color, logo placement, and page width. We at KCC New Media Arts feel that a useful way to study the current trends in web design and usability is to look at some of the major companies across several different industry sectors and to monitor their practices and design decisions.